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- Scaling, Plugging & Grit Removal

- Reactivity & Consistency

- Materials, Equipment, Energy & Transportation Costs

- Environmental Problems


- Water & Wastewater Treatment

- Flue Gas Desulfurization

- Caustic Replacement

- Mining

-Construction Uses

Case Studies


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The abundance and cost of hydrated lime to solve a myriad of problems across the vast spectrum of industry has existed for many, many years.  Yet there are well known perennial problems that have persisted.  All of that changed in 2006 when Bromatco teamed up with Applied Specialties, Inc., a nationwide chemical solutions provider, when a new process was created to solve these problems at a power plant near Phoenix, Arizona.  The process attacked the following problems:
The solutions to these problems resulted from the process (patent pending) that created a low viscosity, high solids content and non-scaling hydrated lime slurry made from cost effective quicklime.  The following benefits were realized:
  • No scaling or plugging in mixing tanks and service lines from lime scale.
  • Easy removal, by the use of inexpensive screening equipment, of the larger fraction of grit as a preventive for plugging.
  • Reduction of 38% of the estimated usage of quicklime due to quicklime reactivity due to chemical advantages of quicklime as opposed to dry hydrate.
  • Reduced materials and transportation cost by using quicklime in place of dry hydrate or commercial lime slurry made from dry hydrated lime.
  • Use of a 3" pump as opposed to an 8" pump to pump the lime slurry.
  • Use of a 5 hp motor, as opposed to a 35 hp motor, to continuously mix prepared lime slurry due to low viscosity saving almost $20,000 per year.
  • Reduced storage capacity.
  • Reduced environmental costs due to smaller volume of spent lime and sediment in storage ponds.
Use the links on the left to further document and explain these benefits and discover how the process can be applied to your existing facilities or replacement of other chemicals with hydrated lime slurry.
Bromatco Slaking Operation

Bromatco Lime Slaking 
Operation at Power Plant near Phoenix, Arizona

Bromatco, LLC
Phone: (602) 758-2815
Fax:  (602)- 391-2258